Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Hello, 2014

In just 4 hours and 42 minutes, it is new years day here in the NZ. Lets mark all the main points of each month.

January - Worst summer holidays I've ever had. They were boring and tedious. 
February- My first time back at school after 2 1/2 years.
March- settling in a making 'firm' friends with some girls. 
April- Having a fall out with those girls- I don't know what I said/did. 
May- Making close friends with a group of girls. These became my five best friends.
June & July - I think this was when I joined a sports exchange, playing soccer in a team with these really horrible girls. My billet was to sick to come down to stay, which was gutting. 
August- Choose the school I was going to change to next year.
September- Went to Wellington for a nation competition I was entered in. My team and I had be in a extension since term one working on this. (We were Team A, out 5 or 6 teams) We came third in our division :(
October & November- Got involved back stage in my school production, made some great friends, and had fun.
December- Winding down from the year, avoiding anyone expect my five besties, and being a bit withdraw from activities.

This year has to be the most challenging year of my life. I made many good friends, and fell out with some. Got fit, had some laughs. Found out what its like to be in a large school. Really went out of my comfort zone.

But really, this is year never to be forgoten. 

Monday, 30 December 2013

Cloud coat/key hanger

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Brownie in a mug

Don't forget - self raising flour is used, so and 1/4 tsp for baking powder if using plain flower.
I added icing sugar instead of ice cream - yum yum || Found this on twitter from this person ||
Heres mine, soz about the bad photo:

Give - nah, we'd rather ruin it.

I was in the back car park of our local Rebel Sports, waiting for my parents to finish shopping for sports clothes. I was so bored. After about ten minutes of waiting, two ladies came out. One had a large amount of bubble wrap, which she dropped everywhere, and then had to chase around the car park. The other had a trolley, full with those really big umbrellas you put over outside tables, and some cardboard tubes. She threw all the tubes out, any other junk in the bottom of her trolley. 

By this time the bubble wrap lady had gone inside. The remaining lady was pulling out the umbrellas of her trolley. These were brand new, no use, but hadn't sold. Maybe there was a little something wrong with them. Still usable. As I watched, she pulled out a craft knife, opened the umbrellas and slashed them, tearing the fabric. Wreaking them. I was horrified! What kind of shop would rather ruin something beyond repair, than give it away to a second hand shop, or sell it for $10 or $20. They are so stuck to the principal that you must sell at the price they want, or not sell it at all. Disgusted and shocked.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Bucket list 2014 - top 5

So I have made my bucket list and posted it. But I was thinking, one plain list is soooo boring, so I thought i'd post my top five, and reasons why.

  1. Make myself a new wardrobe. Omg, I love new things!! New things, shinny things, nice smelling things...they are to die for! Everything in shops theses days are short, tiny, low necked or open backed. With a few exceptions of course. And also, you never know when sewing can come in handy. (And somethings you can make are super cute) :)
  2. Keep a journal. When I'm older, I want to be able to look back on my life, and read about what I did (and also have my memories stored safely). I'm not that good a keeping a journal...I have tried but I just forget, don't have anything to write about etc.
  3. Take heaps of photos. I love looking at photos of me. Not in a vain way! I just like looking at how I looked once, and what I used to do. And photos can be a real laugh sometimes. The memory thing again really.
  4. Make lots of new friends. I'm going to a new school next year and I only have three close friends (and a sibling) that are going there. THREE!!! My friend situation has only been worse once, when it was zero friends at a new school. 
  5. Have an awsum 2014. Everything. In general. Sports. School. Grades. Friends. Completing my bucket list. Just everything really.

Who likes my new signature??

Friday, 27 December 2013

First Impressions

This blogpost is about....
Yep, thats right. Please tell you've heard of them. For me, it's one of those band names I just know. And have always known. I only really knew their song Yellow, and my mother and singing 'And it was alllll yellowwwww', did not make me want to listen or like this song. I always thought....
A week or two ago, my sister played me their song Paradise  & Princess of China (ft Rihanna). Omg, it was love at first sight. Well more for Paradise, I'm not so sure about Princess of China. My sis and I bought both these songs, and I think my family wishes we hadn't. (I'm sure you can guess why ;)

So yes, first impressions or what you have alway thought, 
can't always be right. Or in my case, up to date. 
This is why this post is called....
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy new year Mazie.

All pictures except no.1 are made by me, so no stealing. Please.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

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